Our Farm Philosophy
Our holistic farming philosophy revolves around every element of our farm working together. This means that the animals on our farm help to fertilize the ground, turn up the soil, and create biodiversity. This is turn improves soil health and plant health. The plants and animals then go on to feed our family and our customers.Our system of regenerative agriculture results in products that are good for us and that we can feel good about. Here at Bell's we strive to farm in an ethical and sustainable way. Though not certified organic, we don't use synthetic chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides on our produce.

We honor and utilize as much of the animal as we can. Send us an email to purchase a skull.

You can get sausages, brats, and more by ordering a custom (whole, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8) animal or buy cuts from our stand

The Honesty Stand has retail cuts available of lamb, beef, and pork

We have ancient White Park Cattle for sale

Check our stand or bouquets, single stems, and keep an eye out for our u-pick flower season!

We sell lamb for your freezer by the whole or half

Gandalf is our friendly miniature donkey

Follow us on social media for lamb and vegetable recipes